Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Been Three Years...

... THREE years that my little lovie entered this world. Three years ago she made us parents; and we've been on a great ride ever since.
We love you like there's no tomorrow, my sassy little Munchkin.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


It is so hard to choose an agency! We were originally going with one which was very well recommended, but they're not currently accepting new applications. So, after months of communicating with them, we have to start searching again. It's hard because you do your research and some agencies get really nasty ratings. We don't know how to decipher what is accurate and what is just bad experience.
I communicated with a director of one agency last night. It was such a pleasant interaction. But, I can't get my hopes high just yet. I would love to hear personal opinions.

Monday, April 9, 2012


We are so humbled with the overwhelming love and support we are receiving. Thank you for the beautiful comments and words of encouragement. We really appreciate it.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


We are overjoyed to announce that:

We're growing our little family...

Through adoption.

Please follow us on our journey.

Luciana, Luis, and Mila